Thanks for dropping by and welcome to Mind Power Flip. this topic is very close to my heart and something I’ve studied for years. I believe that we are all capable of far more than we believe we can achieve. Our paradigms control everything we do in life.
Some people manage to achieve great success and that is not compiling money it means happiness, joy fun love the whole thing. They didn’t even doubt that they didn’t deserve it or that it wasn’t possible they had the right mindset health beliefs and habits.
Others struggle through life with all types of issues. They never have enough money, poor relationships and seem to make the same bad choices in their life over and over. These are people with negative beliefs and habits. they believe life has to be a struggle and that they don’t deserve better. it’s just not on the cards for them to do well and be happy.
It’s all about our mental programming that’s instilled at a very early age.
You can flip the way your mind works and harness the power to have so much good in your life.
To flipping your thoughts
Shirley Monica